Sunday 13 May 2018

Edge Subscription in Exchange Server 2013

If you want to place Edge Transport for mail flow to/from external domain, which will add more security to your Email servers (Mailbox/CAS servers) As they (Mailbox/CAS) would not be exposed to external domains/internet, mailbox server containing your mailbox databases and CAS server containing other important data of your email system.
You need to create Edge Subscription as following
Note: I am using "–CreateInternetSendConnector $False –CreateInboundSendConnector $False" parameters as i don't want to create any new connector. connectors are already built and i just had to re subscribe edge server as i had added i new Mailbox/CAS server in the same AD site, so re-subscription was required to make the new Mailbox/CAS server fully functional.

1-       On the Edge Transport server, create the Edge Subscription file using the following syntax.

               New-EdgeSubscription -FileName "C:\My Documents\EdgeSubscriptionInfo.xml" -Force

2-       Copy the resulting Edge Subscription file to a Mailbox 2013 server in the Active Directory site you're subscribing the Edge Transport server to.

3-       On the Mailbox 2013 server, import the Edge Subscription file, use the following syntax.

4-       This example imports the Edge Subscription file named EdgeSubscriptionInfo.xml from the folder D:\Data, and subscribes the Edge Transport server to the Active Directory site named "ABC"

New-EdgeSubscription -FileData ([byte[]]$(Get-Content -Path "D:\Data\EdgeSubscriptionInfo.xml" -Encoding Byte -ReadCount 0)) -Site "ABC" –CreateInternetSendConnector $False –CreateInboundSendConnector $False

5-       On the Mailbox server, run the following command to start the first EdgeSync synchronization.


6-       On Edge Server Restart Microsoft Exchange ADAM Service  && On Mailbox Servers and restart Microsoft Exchange Edge Sync Service

Wednesday 9 May 2018

How to find SID for an Object in Active Directory

How to find SID for an Object in Active Directory.

 Get-ADUser -Identity userid -Properties *

How to find SID for an Object in Active Directory using PStools

C:\PSTool\PSTools>psgetsid user
SID for domain\user: S-1-5-21-1859561886-563848fdf002-90733365-71856

To find name against a SID

C:\PSTool\PSTools>psgetsid S-1-5-21-18fdsfdfs1886-563848002-907024965-7fdfs56
Account for S-1-5-21-1859561886-563848002-907333965-71856:
User: domain\user