Due to some issues, i had to re subscribe the edge server.
After creating the edge subscription file on the edge server with the following command.
New-EdgeSubscription –FileName “c:\EdgeSubFile.xml”
then copied the file "EdgeSubFile" to one mailbox server. and tried the following command.
New-EdgeSubscription -FileData ([byte[]]$(Get-Content -Path "c:\EdgeSubFile.xml" -Encoding Byte -ReadCount 0)) -Site "sitename"
Getting the following Error:
The subscription file failed to load for the following reason: The direct trust certificate of the subscribed Edge Transport server with thumbprint
<Thumprint> is a duplicate of the certificate of one of the HubTransport servers. Sharing the same certificate between Edge and Hub Transport
servers is not allowed.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [New-EdgeSubscription], InvalidOperationException
as mentioned in the error, the issue was with the SSL certificate, So after some searching on some forums, tried the following steps and the issue was resolved/successfully subscribed the edge.
On the edge server
- copy/backup of the currently used SSL certificate for SMTP services.
- delete that SSL
- import another SSL certificate to the personal store of that edge
- Enable that SSL for SMTP services
- i.e (Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint <34434kklkjlkjkdkfjk> -Services SMTP)
- restart the "Microsoft Exchange ADAM" service
- create the subscription file again (New-EdgeSubscription –FileName “c:\EdgeSubFile1.xml”)
- copy the file maibox server
- delete the SSL certificate which we imported and assigned to SMTP services before for edge subscription
- So open mmc and delete that certificate.
- import the valid certificate which we want to use for SMTP services
- enable that new certificate for smtp services
- i.e (Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint <34fdsf434kklkfdfjlkjkdkfjk> -Services SMTP)
- restart the "Microsoft Exchange ADAM" service on the edge server
This helped me to fix the issue thank you