Some time you need to offboard your skype users from Skype for business online (Office 365) to your Skype for business on premise infrastructure. you can use the Skype for business Control panel or the PowerShell. To use the PowerShell you can follow the following steps. make sure that your FE server have internet access or access at least to Office 365, and also make sure that you have the required privileges to both Office 365 and on your on premise Skype for business environment.
Then Login to your FE server and open the "Skype for business Server management shell" with Run as administrator privileges.
Then store your credentials with the following command in $cred variable.
(Note: you should use Global Admin or any other admin users with required rights and the user should be like in format )
then use the following command to move for example the user
Move-CsUser -Identity -Target -HostedMigrationOverrideUrl -Credential $cred -Confirm:$False
or you can store the URL in a variable and then use following command.
Move-CsUser -Identity -Target -Credential $cred -HostedMigrationOverrideUrl $url
(Note: store your HostedMigrationOverrideUrl in $url, which you can find from office 365 and may be some thing like in below format. (only the XA may be different for each tenant)
For further detail look into the following link.