Thursday, 30 July 2020

How to import an SSL certificate in the personal store on windows machine

you can use the following command to import an SSL certificate in the personal store for logged in user account on windows machine

certutil -user -p pfxpassword -importPFX pathofCert\abc.pfx

To import an SSL certificate in the personal store for computer account on windows machine

certutil -p pfxpassword -importPFX pathofCert\abc.pfx

P.S: pfxpassword: while generating/exporting the pfx certificate from the CA server or any other machine one which the certificate is already there, you would have given the pfxpassword.
so keep that password noted as you will need it while importing on any machine with the above command or through console. 

Saturday, 18 July 2020

Resolved: "Remove-ADUser : The directory service can perform the requested operation only on a leaf object"

I was trying to delete user object from active directory, which had mailbox, skype for business user, etc..etc. But was getting the error "Remove-ADUser : The directory service can perform the requested operation only on a leaf object" After search on internet i found the i should use the Remove-Adobject command, also need to use the user distinguish name and then with -recursive attribute. Remove-ADobject (Get-ADUser sAMAccountName).DistinguishedName -Recursive I you want to avoid any confirmation for deletion of the user object then can use -confirm attribute as below. Remove-ADobject (Get-ADUser sAMAccountName).DistinguishedName -Recursive -Confirm:$false

Friday, 10 July 2020

How to search and delete email from users mailboxes in office 365

Before proceeding on this task you have To create and run a Content Search, you have to be a member of the

eDiscovery Manager

Compliance Search management role.

To delete messages, you have to be a member of the

Organization Management role group or

Be assigned the Search And Purge management role

Open "Microsoft Exchange Online Powershell Module" with run as admin permission  and first you have to Connect to Security and Compliance via PowerShell

Connect-IPPSSession -UserPrincipalName

and then run the commands below to create the compliance Search and save the result in a veriable ($Search).

$Search=New-ComplianceSearch -Name "RemovePhishingMessage" -ExchangeLocation All -ContentMatchQuery '(Received:4/13/2020..4/14/2020) AND (Subject:"Subject of the email")'

Now you must Start the complainceSearch with the following command

Start-ComplianceSearch -Identity $Search.Identity

You can confirm the status of the complianceSearch with the following command

PS C:\Users\Nawaz> Get-ComplianceSearch ""RemovePhishingMessage

It will show the status like, not started, inprogress, completed.

If completed, you can run the following command which will show you the number of items found through the compliance search, as mentioned in our case is 32.

PS C:\Users\Nawaz> get-ComplianceSearch "RemovePhishingMessage" | fl                                          

RunspaceId                            : 4bef9a2a-4a98-46a4-8e57-f593a43b1

Language                              :

StatusMailRecipients                  : {}

LogLevel                              : Suppressed

IncludeUnindexedItems                 : True

ContentMatchQuery        : (Received:07/09/2020..07/10/2020) AND (Subject:" Notice Password")

SearchType                            : EstimateSearch

HoldNames                             : {}

SearchNames                           : {}

RefinerNames                          : {}

Region                                :

Refiners                              :

Items                                 : 32

Size                                  : 2911505

UnindexedItems                        : 28319

UnindexedSize                         : 79987919058

SuccessResults                        : {Location:, Item count: 7, Total size: 608342,

                                        Location:, Item count: 4, Total size: 324402,

                                        Location:, Item count: 3, Total size: 316067,

                                        Location:, Item count: 3, Total size: 299224,

                                        Location:, Item count: 3, Total size: 298679,

                                        Location:, Item count: 3, Total size: 285691,

                                        Location:, Item count: 3, Total size: 280505,

                                        Location:, Item count: 6, Total size: 259699,

Run the command below if you want to soft delete the emails.

New-ComplianceSearchAction -SearchName "RemovePhishingMessage" -Purge -PurgeType SoftDelete

Run the command below if you want to hard delete the emails. 

New-ComplianceSearchAction -SearchName "RemovePhishingMessage" -Purge -PurgeType HardDelete

To show the status of all search

to confirm the status.
Get-ComplianceSearchAction -Identity "FromAl_purge" | Format-Table Searchname, JobStartTime, JobProgress, Status