To find the WWN in windows server 2012 you have to first download "fcinfo_x86" from blow link.
Please note that on above link you will find three files.
one is for Itanium and one is for x64bit and the third one is for 32bit, which is "Fcinfo_x86" so depending on your system you have to download and install the correct one.
in my environment the "fcinfo_x86" was working the others tow was not working
after downloading and installing go to the following path and run this command
C:\Windows\SysWOW64>fcinfo /details
i got the required details
Please note that on above link you will find three files.
one is for Itanium and one is for x64bit and the third one is for 32bit, which is "Fcinfo_x86" so depending on your system you have to download and install the correct one.
in my environment the "fcinfo_x86" was working the others tow was not working
after downloading and installing go to the following path and run this command
C:\Windows\SysWOW64>fcinfo /details
i got the required details
The following command is
also used for finding WWN numbers.
Get-InitiatorPort | Select-Object -Property PortAddress | Format-Table -AutoSize