Monday, 27 July 2015

How to resolve Windows 8 cisco VPN -Cisco system vpn client Version 5.0..07.0440 client issue.

Few days back i installed VPN client (Cisco system vpn client Version 5.0..07.0440) on my windows 8 machine but after the installation it was unable to connect successfully.
      To resolve the issue i did the following changes in changes in Registry.

     Note: Before doing this change, take a copy/export your current registry setting.

    Start--->Run-->Regedit and hit enter.
    Go to the following location/path
·    Browse to the Registry Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\CVirtA

double click on DisplayName to edit it as bellow

For x86


"@oem8.inf,%CVirtA_Desc%;Cisco Systems VPN Adapter”
"Cisco Systems VPN Adapter”

And for x64


"@oem8.inf,%CVirtA_Desc%;Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows”
"Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows”

Thursday, 23 July 2015

How to renew lync server internal certificate.

Go Lync Server deployment wizard-->install or update lync server system
-->request install or assign a certificate-->
select internal certificate that you want to renew-->request-->from here
create new csr complete the wizard and save the csr
Now go your internal CA(CAName)

you have two method, follow just one

(1)Start-->Certificate authority-->right click on CA-Name and select All
task--submit request--select csr and Save it

(2) open IE and type (https://CA-Naem/certsrv/)
-->request a certificate-->advance certificate request-->"Submit a
certificate request by using a base-64-encoded CMC or PKCS #10 file, or
submit a renewal request by using a base-64-encoded PKCS #7 file. "
-->in saved request window past your csr
-->from certificate template
select web server(if this option is not available then open IE with run as
admin as its look like you don't have the required permission).
click submit.

Now you will have to download this new certificate from CA and will save it. then copy it to the lync Edge server.
After that go to Edge server and import certificate this certificate
start-->run-->MMC--->add/remove snap-in-->certificate-->ok---->OK
Select-->personal certificate-->right click and import that new certificate-->
Now in lync certificate deployment Wizard-->Install or update lync server system-->request, install or assign certificate-->click run again and here you will find that new certificate is appearing ---So you can assign -->follow the wizard in Lync Server Deployment Wizard and complete as below.

Lync Server deployment wizard-->install or update lync server system
-->request install or assign a certificate-->here you first have to import that new certificate-->once import complete successfully select assign-->here you will see the new certificate appearing-->verify it and click next--->the wizard should complete successfully.
you may need to restart lync services once.
Now do your required testing, every thing should work.